Fungsi bunga
Fungsi biologi bunga adalah sebagai wadah menyatunya gamet jantan (mikrospora) dan betina (makrospora) untuk menghasilkan biji. Proses dimulai dengan penyerbukan, yang diikuti dengan pembuahan, dan berlanjut dengan pembentukan biji.
function of Flowers
Biological function, Flower is as place of male gamete container (microspores) and female (makrospora) to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, and continues with the formation of seeds.
Flower part
Part function
Petals are used to attract insects into the flower, they may have guidelines on them and be scented.
Is covered in a sticky substance that the pollen grains will adhere to.
The style raises the stigma away from the Ovary to decrease the likelihood of pollen contamination. It varies in length.
This protects the ovule and once fertilisation has taken place it will become the fruit.
The Ovule is like the egg in animals and once fertilisation has taken place will become the seed.
This is the flower's attachment to the stalk and in some cases becomes part of the fruit after fertilisation e.g. strawberry.
Flower stalk
Gives support to the flower and elevates the flower for the insects.
This is where a sugary solution called nectar is held to attract insects.
Sepals protect the flower whilst the flower is developing from a bud.
This is the stalk of the Anther.
The Anthers contain pollen sacs. The sacs release pollen on to the outside of the anthers that brush against insects on entering the flowers. The pollen once deposited on the insect is transferred to the stigma of another flower or the same flower. The ovule is then able to be fertilized.
Kelopak bunga (calyx)
* Fungsi : melindungi bagian-bagian bunga lainnya sebelum kuncup itu mekar
* Terdiri atas beberapa helai daun kelopak (sepalum)
* Pada beberapa spesies, di bawah daun kelopak terdapat kelopak tambahan (epicalyx); misalnya pada Kapas (Gossypium acuminatum Roxb), Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinnensis L.)
Tajuk/mahkota bunga (corolla)
* Fungsi :
* membungkus dan melindungi putik dan benang sari selama kuncup bunga belum mekar
* menjadi atraktan (daya tarik) bagi serangga penyerbuk, saat bunga mencapai reseptif dan siap melakukan penyerbukan
* Terdiri dari beberapa helai daun tajuk (petalum)
* Daun kelopak (sepalum) dan daun tajuk (petalum) bersama-sama membentuk perhiasan bunga (perianthium)
Benang sari (stamen)
* Fungsi : alat perkembangbiakan jantan
* Terdiri dari :
1. Tangkai sari (filamentum)
2. Kepala sari (anthera)
* Kepala sari mempunyai 2 ruang serbuk sari (theca), dan di dalam ruang ini terdapat serbuk sari (pollen)
Putik (pistillum)
* Fungsi : alat perkembangbiakan betina
* Terdiri dari :
1. Kepala putik (stigma)
2. Tangkai putik (stylus)
3. Bakal buah (ovarium)
4. Bakal biji (ovulum)
Bakal Buah
Berdasar jumlah daun buah (carpellum) yang membentuknya, bakal buah dibedakan menjadi:
* Unilocularis/beruang tunggal : bakal buah terbentuk dari sehelai daun buah (carpellum) dan membentuk sebuah ruangan
* Bilocularis/beruang dua : bakal buah terbentuk dari 2 helai daun buah (carpellum) dan membentuk 2 buah ruangan
* Trilocularis/beruang tiga : bakal buah terbentuk dari 3 helai daun buah (carpellum) dan membentuk 3 buah ruangan
* Multilocularis/beruang banyak : bakal buah terbentuk dari banyak daun buah (carpellum) dan membentuk banyak ruangan
Berdasar letak bakal buah pada dasar bunga (receptaculum), bakal buah dibedakan menjadi:
o Superus : bakal buah menumpang di atas dasar bunga
o Inferus : bakal buah tenggelam di dalam dasar bunga
o Semi inferus : bakal buah setengah tenggelam
Ruangan dalam bakal buah (ovarium) berisi bakal biji (ovulum). Ovulum tersusun sepanjang papan bakal biji (placenta), dan dihubungkan oleh tangkai tali pusat (funiculus)
Bakal biji (ovulum) terdiri dari :
o Nucellus : inti bakal biji
o Integumentum : lapisan kulit bakal biji
o Chalaza : pangkal dari nucellus, tempat melekatnya integumentum
o Funiculus : tangkai tempat menggantungnya bakal biji
o Hilum/pusat biji : tempat melekatnya ujung funiculus
o Micropyle : liang kecil pada bagian ujung integumentum
Tipe bakal biji
o Atropus : lurus
o Anatropus : terbalik
o Campylotropus : melengkung
Petals (calyx)
* Function: protect other parts of the flower bud before it blooms
* Consists of several strands of leaf sheath (sepalum)
* In some species, under the leaf sheath contained additional petals (epicalyx); for example in cotton (Gossypium acuminatum Roxb), Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinnensis L.)
Canopy / crown flower (corolla)
* Function:
* Wrap and protect the pistil and stamens during flower bud has not blossomed
* Be the attractant (attraction) for insect pollinators, when flowers reach receptive and ready for pollination
* Consists of several strands of the leaf canopy (petalum)
* Leaves Petals (sepalum) and leaf canopy (petalum) together form a flower jewelry (perianthium)
Stamens (stamens)
* Function: male breeding tool
* Consists of:
A. Stalk extract (filamentum)
2. Anthers (anthera)
* Head of pollen pollen has 2 rooms (Theca), and in this space there is pollen (pollen)
Pistil (pistillum)
* Function: tool breeding females
* Consists of:
A. The stigma (stigma)
2. Pistil stalk (stylus)
3. Will the fruit (ovary)
4. Ovule (ovulum)
Fruit will be
Based on the number of leaf pieces (carpellum) that formed it, the fruit will be divided into:
* Unilocularis / single bear: the fruit will be formed from a leaf pieces (carpellum) and form a room
* Bilocularis / bear two: will the fruit is formed of two pieces of leaf blade (carpellum) and form 2 a room
* Trilocularis / bear three: will the fruit is formed of three pieces of leaf blade (carpellum) and 3 pieces to form the room
* Multilocularis / bear much: the fruit will be formed of many pieces of leaves (carpellum) and form a lot of room
Based on the location will be the fruit on the basis of interest (receptaculum), the fruit will be divided into:
o Superus: fruit will stay on the basis of interest
o Inferus: fruit will sink in the base rate
o Semi inferus: half the fruit will sink
Would be room in the fruit (ovary) contains the ovule (ovulum). Arrayed along the boards Ovulum ovule (placenta), and connected by umbilical stalk (funiculus)
Ovule (ovulum) consists of:
o Nucellus: ovule nucleus
o Integumentum: ovule skin layer
o Chalaza: the base of the nucellus, where the attachment integumentum
o Funiculus: ovule stalk the place to hang
o Hilum / seed center: where the attachment end of the funiculus
o Micropyle: a small hole at the end of the integumentum
Type ovule
o Atropus: straight
o Anatropus: reverse
o Campylotropus: curved
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